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Gardening: Mulch is an ‘excellent’ method to control ‘persistent’ weeds – make it for free


Gardening: Mulch is an ‘excellent’ method to control ‘persistent’ weeds – make it for free


A weed is generally defined as any unwanted . Common weeds include dandelions, purslane, lamb’s quarters, bindweed, and pigweed. Weeds compete with plants for water, sunlight, and nutrients, but they can also harbour pests or diseases. All gardens can benefit from mulching, including plants and borders. One of the biggest benefits from using mulch is that it can help to get rid of weeds. experts at Grow Veg have shared how gardeners can beat weeds using mulch.

Mulch is a thick layer of material placed over the soil and around plants, used for a variety of different reasons.

It can help to control weeds, lock moisture into the soil as well as helping to protect the soil.

Mulch could be garden compost, wood or bark chipping used to lay over the soil as a covering.

It could also be homemade leafmould, used from gathered leaves last year or the year previous.

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For this method, the first thing gardeners need to do is put down a “weed barrier”.

The gardening experts said: “Newspaper is ideal (cardboard is okay too) as a permeable, completely biodegradable, soil-enhancing alternative to landscape fabric. 

“Lay your newspaper five or six sheets thick and overlap them generously to avoid gaps that weeds could push up through, then soak it well. 

“Cover the newspaper with at least two or three inches of loose, well-rotted organic mulch.

“Well-rotted garden compost, manure, sawdust, shredded bark, leafmould, coir, or a mixture of organic materials, all work well as mulch.”

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